Dr. Trammel's sub-speciality is golf psychology. Due to his extensive golf background, he is considered an expert in that sport. Dr. Trammel works with players on all levels and on every Tour to include every aspect of their game. Examples include:
- How - When - What - Where to Practice
- Course Management Strategies
- Analyzing Golf Course Architecture
- Golf Mindfulness Techniques
- Complete Swing Analysis
- Putting Psychology
- Wedge Strategies
- Caddy Services
- Representation

Dr. Trammel's credentials in golf are unique (to say the least). No other person in the United States (or perhaps the world) has his depth of experience in the sport of golf. Why? Dr. Trammel played professional golf for many years, has taught the game since 1989, invented and manufactured over a dozen (12) golf training devices when he operated ShotSavers Golf, is a published author of a golf instruction book, written dozens of position papers while attending University and graduate school, and earned his Masters Degree and Doctorate in Athletic Counseling and Sport Psychology. He still plays competitive golf to this day and caddies for many of his golf clients. Your game will improve if you are coachable and open to a different way of learning. Dr. Trammel's methodology called The Puzzle has been wildly successful with his golf clients due to the detail of his consultation that no one else can deliver. Why? No other sports psychologist has Dr. Trammel's golfing background. Golf Packages usually include a hybrid model of video, text/phone, and on-course work. Dr. Trammel will spend many hours with you (or your golfing athlete) working with them on every aspect of their game (other than swing mechanics if they already have a coach). This package is the only 1 that is not billed based on time because of the amount of time Dr. Trammel spends with his clients on the course.
If you are a serious golfer or the parent of a competitive, golfing athlete, go to the Contact page and tell us about your game, what you want to do and your situation, and we'll email you a personalized price list with recommendations.